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Unforgettable Experiences

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Monaghan u3a is an exciting and unique Community Service Program that is designed to engage and inspire. Since 2000, we have provided numerous participants with engaging experiences that they take with them for the rest of their lives. With a number of programs available for varying skill levels and interests, there is something for everyone to enjoy, no matter their background.



The mission of U3A (University of the Third Age) is to promote and practice lifelong learning and active, creative ageing for the older members of our community. In particular we think it's important to meet new people, have some fun and share skills, experience and interests with others.











HISTORY of  The u3a

The University of the Third Age – more familiarly known as u3a - is a movement founded in France in 1973, in response to a rapidly growing demand among retired people and other seniors for opportunities to keep active, to keep stimulated, to keep learning, and to keep in touch with others and the world around them. There are now thousands of branches in different parts of the world with hundreds of thousands of active seniors enthusiastically participating in u3a activities. Age Action Ireland has encouraged and supported the creation of over 20 u3a groups across the country.

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How To Join



Annual Subscription

Membership is open to anyone 55+.  Annual membership is €15. Payment can be made online to IPBS or in an envelope with name, mobile number, email and if new member(s), postal address. This can be placed in the U3A box in Monaghan Credit Union. 


Ph: 087 3432275  /  087 9475188



Thanks for submitting!

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